Action Analysis: Breathing

In this post we'll take a look at where different types of breathing happen in the body and the area and muscles if requires. Then, we'll analyze different type of more or less common breathing patterns, taking into consideration their speed and where breathing happens.

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Active Listening

Active listening is one of the interpersonal skills that are often the object of focus in counseling or coaching to truly connect with another person. In the majority of our cases, it could mean dealing with a client, a supervisor, someone we are supervising, a colleague.

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Matteo RovattiComment
The Myth of Multitasking

Humans are not very efficient when it comes to multitasking. All things being equal, we are far more effective in executing the same exact tasks in a sequential form rather than in parallel. Trying to do multiple things at once is often the best way to make sure we will sabotage our results and our productivity.

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Health: Why most diets (eventually) fail

Food is a way more complicated topic than just talking about nutrients, we aren’t machines and food isn’t just fuel. Humans are complex biological, psychological, social creatures. We don’t eat nutrients, we eat food that we like, we eat with people, in places, we eat to celebrate, we eat when we are stressed, we eat when we are sad.

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